Heap Note

Only $1.99 / month


  • In HeapNote you can create a table for every sort of information you want to store. You can have tables for your expenses, bookmarks, recipies, todo lists, contacts etc. Every table shows up as a tab.

  • A table can have any number of text or numeric columns (numeric columns are automatically summed up).

  • You can make the columns invisible, change their order using drag & drop or change their width.

  • You can also sort the notes according to any column by clicking on the title of the column.


  • You can use RichText Editor to edit the note. It lets you bold the text, change color, fonts and use enumeration.

  • Notes can be marked with labels using drag & drop.

  • You can do some actions on many notes at the same time (e.g. remove, mark with label).


  • You can use labels to better organize your notes.

  • Labels can create a tree.

  • You can select many labels at the same time to show the notes that are labeled with all of them.

  • You can drag & drop the labels in the tree to change its structure.